Friday, March 18, 2011

Room with a view in Georgetown

I arrived in Georgetown at three in the morning, after eight uncomfortable hours on an old bus lurching and bumping its way through potholes on the 330 km stretch from Iwokrama. That works out at just over 40 km/hr, and there weren't many stops to add into the equation. So it was good to lie down on a bed at Jerries Hotel in the old part of Georgeotown. It didn't even matter that there was blaring music coming from the bar downstairs (which has the slogan All Night Long); I was truly knackered and fell into a deep sleep.

I was on the third floor overlooking Carmichael road and a green in front. From my window, I could see life go by and sports activities taking place.

School-girls and a drinks vendor on a bike.

Another street vendor.

Afternoon football. These guys were talented and I wondered if they might be the national side.

However, cricket that was the most popular sport and informal games were often being played by local school-boys on the green. This was also at the start of the cricket world cup in India, so every tv in every bar and restaurant in Georgetown was showing the games.