Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brazilian elections: unexpected candidates

Running for election into Rio's state assembly on October 3rd 2010 (amongst 1641 other candidates for 70 places) were Father Christmas, Hugo Popcorn-maker, Nesquik, Help and Little Lewis of the Beach.

Weird as it may sound, its absolutely true.
Brazilians love their nick-names and had no hesitation in using them on the official election register.

Check the full list of unexpected candidates below:

André Banana
André Pescador = André the Fisherman
Atleta Kequel = Kequel the Athlete

Baixinho do Gás = Short Little One of the Gas


Betinha da Comunidade = Little Betty of the Community
Betinho do Mercado = Little Bertie of the Market

Carlinhos Cabeleireiro = Little Charles the Hairdresser
Carlinhos Presidente = Little Charles the President
Carlinhos Um Homem de Deus = Little Charles a Man of God

Eu Faz = I Does

Fausto 100 Por Cento = Fausto 100 Per Cent
Fabio do Taxi = Fabio of the Taxi

Giba Sangue Bom = Giba Good Blood

Hugo Pipoqueiro = Hugo the Popcorn-maker

Indio do Gas = Indian of the Gas
Israel Atleta = Israel the Athlete

Jonas da Reciclagem = Jonas of the Recycling
Jo a Luta Pelo Povo = Jo the Fight for the People
Jorginho da Van = Little George of the Taxi-van
Jorge Bombril = George Scouring-pad
Julio Bombeiro = Julius the Fireman
Julio Bombinha = Julius Little Pump


Lady Francisco
Leila Motorista = Leila the Driver
Luiza do Açai = Luiza of the Açai (fruit juice from the Amazon)
Luizinho da Praia = Little Lewis of the Beach
Lucilio Pobre Ajudando Pobre = Lucilio Poor Helping Poor

Marcelino Petroleiro = Marcelino Petrol-man
Mano Dirigindo a Luta = Mano Leading the Fight
Maria Chupetinha = Mary Little Dummy
Mary Jane
Moto Boy Osório = Motor Boy Osorio
Messias o Garoto Bombom = Messias the Bombom Boy

Navarro da Feira do Automóvel = Navarro of the Car Fair
Neskau = Nesquik
Nando dos Vasilhames = Nando of the Floor Polish
Nei Bombeiro Amigo do Povo = Nei Fireman Friend of the People

Otávio do Churrasco = Otavio of the Barbeque
Oliveira Robin Hood

Papai Noel = Father Christmas

Pedro da Geladeira = Peter of the Fridge
Professor Obama

Rafael Tubarao = Rafael Shark
Roosevelt Brasil

Sardinha = Sardine
Scarlett Rose
Rosinha dos Uniformes = Rosy of the Uniforms
Russo do Peixe = Russian the Fish

Silvio Konig X Raios = Silvio Konig X Ray
Socorro = Help


Valdecir da Batata Frita = Valdecir of the French Fry
Valmir Boca de Cantor = Valmir Mouth of the Singer
Vianna dos Bonecos = Vianna of the Dolls
Vicente Sorriso = Smiley Vincent

Waguinho Sempre Juntos = Little Wagner Always Together
Wallace McQueen
Wander O Grande = Wander the Great
Wellington Cajueiro = Wellington the Cashew-man
Wilma Guerreira = Wilma the Fighter

Ze Bonitinho = Joe Little Handsome One
Ze da Radio = Joe of the Radio
Ze Mineiro = Joe the Miner
Zezinho Americano = Little Joe American

If anyone was wondering, Father Christmas only got 286 votes and wasn't elected into the Rio assembly.

Just as well really. He has a far more important job to do.