Monday, December 20, 2010

Fishing from dugout canoes

While kayaking, I noticed that the local fishermen have a far sleeker form of transport, which also doubles up to help them catch seafood from the bays. Their dugout canoes (made by themselves from large trees in the forest) are painted in all colours, including the black and red of Flamengo football club! I was lucky to see a couple of fishermen come in with their catches- prawns, bream and sole.

In for the day
Nets and canoe

Shelters for canoes, motor-boats and equipment

Buoys and baskets

Ramps made of wooden beams over rocks

The Flamengo Canoe
And 4kg of prawns caught by its 17 year-old owner

Almost home
Bringing in the canoe

The catch amongst dried banana leaves
Proud son

Son and grand-father help out
Into a yellow crate to feed the extended family

For more photos on a video clip (with the Moro na Roça song by Mônica Salmaso), check this: