I go on a late afternoon walk along the rock-hewn coastal road to Santa Cruz fort at the entrance to Guanabara bay:

Spectacular storm clouds brew up inland, behind NiterĂ³i:

And form a cotton-candy back-drop to palms on the Morro do Morcego (Bat Hill):
From the fort, I'm looking out to the Cagarras Islands and watching ships exiting the narrow bay under the imposing Sugar-loaf. Meanwhile, fishing boats struggle in against strong out-flowing currents:

The sun begins to set behind the massive bulk of the Sugar-loaf:
Beyond, the distant anvil-shaped Pedra da Gavea mountain forms a primeval scene, silhoutted against the ember sky and shedding its steam-clouds:
As the air cools slightly, mountain-top clouds begin to disperse and the Christ on Corcovado appears:

A short clip of the sunset, to the sound of lapping waves!