This year I did the same, heading out to one of my favourite beaches- Itacoatiara, a half-hour bus-ride up the coast from Niteroi.
The mountain back-drop is stunning, the sea is clean and there's usually good surf (in the winter the waves are massive and there are dangerous currents, but at this time of year its calm enough to swim a lap or two of the beach, beyond the waves).
Here are some photos and a few video-clips:

Beach sports abound- football, volley, foot-volley, surfing, boogie-boarding, skim-boarding, body-boarding, ocean-swimming, jogging, fishing, sky-line tight-rope walking, deck-chair sitting, people-watching.
Here are some guys playing the popular and skillful Altinho football game:

Behind the beach, there are bars serving limonada suiça (frothy Swiss lemonade, made of green limes), açai (palm-berry sorbet) and empadas de camarao (prawn pastries). They serve other things too, but these are my favourite.

For €1 per day, you can hire a chair and beach umbrella from any of the beach kiosks, which also serve coconut-water and are handy for safe-guarding things when you go for a swim.

The sun is intense, so remember your hat and sun-screen, and the sand at the top of the beach is ember-hot, so take your Havaianas. Sungas and tangas aren't needed, unless you want to look like a true native.
Last of all, if you're a balanced sort of person, try this: