Saturday, February 5, 2011

The rapids at Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira

I got the pickup to drop me off at the Waupés Hotel by the beach. Everyone I met on the trip had recommended the Deus me Deu (God Gave Me) in the centre of town, but I ignored their recommendations and went for location instead.

The setting, with low hills coming down to the river, rapids and islands, forest on the far side and a long white sandy beach couldn't have been better.

Boarding canoes in a bay, with the beach and Bela Adormecida mountain range in the distance.

The rapids.

A teacher who had come to town from a community six days up-river to hand in end of year student papers. He and his two colleagues were fishing with a hook and line.

Mother and daughter washing clothes.

A motorised canoe heading up-river.

Fishermen on a motorised canoe, who had just set their nets in the rapids.

Above the rapids, another beach and the Cabari mountain range in the distance.

Açaí palms on the bank.


Sand fight.

Sunset with the Bela Adormecida range in the background.

Fisherman in the rapids.

Forest and river.