The water-front in Manaus is where all the action is, and with a camera in hand, its a great place to wander around.
I also had my first experience of being on the Amazon river, taking a motorised canoe a few hundred metres upstream to the second and much smaller passenger boat mooring. I wanted to check out days that boats were heading up the Rio Negro (which are much less regular than the daily traffic downstream to towns all the way to Belem).
View of one of several pontoons, where boats moor and where kiosks have blaring music, cold Guaraná and waiting passengers:
Motorised canoes are for local transport.
Looking up to the road from a pontoon.
Unloading materials.
Smaller boats up from the main passenger boat area.
On the river-side road, always busy. A good place to hang out.
At the posher terminal by the floating port.
A cruise ship had docked a few hours before. It had a sign on it saying "Semester at Sea", and there were now lots of American university students wandering through town. Not a bad way to spend study time.
Amongst the waiting passengers on the pontoon.
The lower deck of a passenger boat.
Doing errands on motorised canoes.
My motorised canoe taxi ride.